Original Goal... I did it!

I hit goal once... I CAN do it again!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Beautiful Blogger! Thank You TnT!

Thank You T for this wonderful award!  And a "GOOD LUCK" sent out to you for band day coming up! 

So I guess I need to post 7 things about me you didn't know.  These will probabaly be pretty lame, but here goes...

1.  I went to boarding school for a couple of years in high school.  My father worked as an engineer for a copper and gold mine in Indonesia and there wasn't a high school, so I was shipped to boarding school.  I started in Australia at Korralbyn International School but didn't like it.  I ended up on the big island of Hawaii and Hawaii Preparatory Academy for 2 years!  So much fun!

2.  I came back to my hometown to graduate high school and graduated with 19 in my class.  That was it!

3.  I have been married to my husband twice.  We married for the first time in 1994 (I was 19, he 21).  We had our two boys in 1996 and 2000.  We broke up and divorced in 2003.  In 2007, we decided to remarry and now have our wonderful daughter!

4. I am so like my mother that it scares my father to death!  We are the same height and we were the same weight (at my start).  She would really like a band, but insurance excludes. 

5. I work with all of my best friends.  It makes for a really fun work environment.

6. I love yard sales!  I can't help but stop if I pass one.  Even if I am running late for work!

7. I have always preceived myself as fat.  I look back at pictures and know that I wasn't, but always felt that I was.

Now to pass this on... 

Cheeseburger Girl


Jenny said...

Love getting to know you! Congrats on the award!!

Bonnie said...

You definitely deserve the award. Thanks for the nomination.

TnT said...

Thanks Heather, and you're welcome!! A week from today!!!! I'm sooooo excited !!

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