Original Goal... I did it!

I hit goal once... I CAN do it again!

Thursday, July 29, 2010


I have really started to notice my weightloss!  I work at a 90 year old courthouse, so there are alot of stairs.  I have recently been able to take those stairs without feeling like I was going to die when I got to the top.  That is a MAJOR nsv for me. 

I have had people notice and say something to me also.  The judge said something to me about it on Tuesday.  That was nice of her.  I also had a client (which mind you was a little creepy) tell me that I must have lost a bunch of weight.  (Does is count when they are in shackles?)  The fat girl in me thought that it must have been the clothing that day.  BUT...  one of the ladies I work with, her husband said something to her when he came into the office yesterday.  Something must be going right.  Now, if someone could give a hint to MY husband, that would be nice! 

I am so glad that this is starting to really work for me.  I have lost several pounds since my first fill.  I go for hopefully another on Wednesday.  I think that I am close to where I need to be, but not quite there yet. 


Christine said...

It's annoying when your own husband is the last person to comment on your weight loss (my hubby is the same way) but it means more when he DOES say something and notice because it means he genuinely notices...he's not just saying it to be polite!

Nella said...

What a great feeling eh? Makes this journey all worth it and more! Way to go!

LDswims said...

Awesome NSV's! Enjoy it all as you are creating more. :)

Island Bandit said...

enjoy the NSVs.... hubby will come along. who knows... maybe he's been overly conditioned NOT to comment on weight :)

workinprogress said...

.`·.¸.·´ ♥
¸.·´¸.·´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ .·´ ¸¸.·¨¯`·.♥

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