Original Goal... I did it!

I hit goal once... I CAN do it again!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The ULTIMATE F word!

I absolutely loved this balloon when I saw it.  I have been flirting with 50 lbs lost for  awhile.  I got a small .5 fill on Monday and here it is!  Oh what a wonderful day!  My trip for the fill on Monday was an adventure in itself.  In a previous post I talked about my insurance woes and to change my appointment that had been set for yesterday I  had to drive 4 hours one way for fill appointment.  I am so glad that I made that drive in the pouring rain and all. 

My insurance mess seems to be working itself out in a way that is better than I could have ever imagined.  Lets hope the plan holds (my union is involved as this situation isn't the best for everyone), because this is almost too good to be true in my personal situation!  They are giving me the deal that if I decline health insurance at my employer and make hubbys primary they will set up a medical reimbursement program for my family that will pay all of our copays and prescriptions!  All for $24 a YEAR!  I really hope that this holds.   I am also thanking the good Lord that I was able to get my surgery this year with both insurances.  I have my 6 month bandiversary in a couple of days.  With hitting 50 lbs I think that I will put some pictures up for that one that I have been holding out on.


Justawallflower said...

Yay! That has got to be a big relief! Hope it works out that way for u.

Anonymous said...


Silverhairedgoddess said...

That's wonderful - a solid 50 pounds gone !

Also, that sounds like a dream insurance plan - hope it works out for you !

Alison said...

Fantastic loss, well done!

MandaPanda said...

Glad all the insurance stuff is working out. Congrats on 50!

Amanda said...

It is always nice when these type of things that give us so much stress and grief..work themselves out! 50 flippin pounds! That is amazing!

Jen said...

Yay!! 50 is awesome! good job!

Liz said...

Yay 50!!!! Good luck with the insurance stuff, crossing my fingers that you can get the deal you're hoping for...having co-pays reimbursed would be lovely!

Island Bandit said...

way to go! 50lbs is an F-word for sure

LDswims said...

I love the F-word! Awesome balloon!!

I hope the insurance situation/goodness holds up. That sounds like an awesome deal!

Amanda Kiska said...

Yippee 50!

Sandy said...

Woo Hoo. What a milestone. I'm still working on that number. I guess I should save the pic so I can post it in another 10 pounds. Great going.

Read said...

Congratulations!!! That's frikkin' fantastic! I hope the insurance thing works out just like that!

Libby said...

That's great! Half a century down. Congratulations.

Christine said...

50 pounds!!! WAHHOOO! That's a milestone!

Sam said...

Congrats on the 50 pounds!!!!

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