The rules of this award are to tell 7 things about yourself then thank the blogger who gave it to you. You need to pass the award on to other deserving bloggers.
Ok 7 things about me...
2. I am not an over motherly person. I hate this about myself, but can't seem to change it. Thank goodness my husband picks up the slack. I couldn't imagine wanting to me a stay at home mom. That unfortunately is my version of hell.
3. I am addicted to sets. I obsess over things if there are more pieces of a set that I don't have. It is a sick habit especially because I don't need most of the things. It was really bad with baby things. I would worry if I didn't have everything that matched. I mean EVERYTHING that was made to match. Very expensive.
4. My husband and I have been married twice. We took a 3 year break from our marriage. We are much better off this time. We were married for 9.5 years the first time and 3.5 this time.
5. I am going to be a grandma this year. I insist that I must be called MiMi as I am 35 and still not sure I can deal with the grandma thing. I am excited and scared for my step-son though. He has no clue what he is getting into!
6. I don't think I was was ever happy in my life until recently. I feel like I missed so many years! I finally have been able to accept all that life has given me and use it all to my best advantage! This is a wonderful feeling.
7. Teenage boys are GROSS! Just a thought, not so much about me but my 15 yo son never ceases to amaze me in this aspect.
On to the nominations.
Manda Panda
Thanks again to The Cable-Tied Dragonfly for this honor! It always amazes me that my ramblings actually help some people.
congrats to you!
Way to go Heather, you deserve it. Love the cable tie analogy. :)
Thanks so much for the nomination! My husband used to joke that he could have saved us a lot of money by just using a Zip-tie around my stomach...LOL
Lol Stephanie. OMG Heather I didn't realize you were going to be MiMi @ 35! I am 35 this year and still can't imagine being a Mum!!
Thanks you for the award. I feel honored. Congrats on becoming a MiMi.
Congrats to YOU - well deserved!!
Thanks so much for the award! A grandma at 35??? I would insist on MiMi too. That's cute.
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