Okay, here's the deal. I have to list five guilty pleasures and then nominate three fabulous and sweet bloggers I know and love!
As you all know, I am a mom so time for guilty pleasures is few and far between.
1) I absolutely love bubble baths. When we remodeled our bathroom we put in a wider soaker bathtub (sick if you really think about the skewed sense of reality there). I totally love to fill it up with water, light candles, and just soak in the hot water! It is even better when fingers aren't sticking under the door!
2) I love to get up early in the morning and drink my coffee and just relax. I get up at least 1.5 hours before anyone else in the house. This is my time. It is quiet and I totally enjoy it!
3) My husband and I love to remodel in our house. We enjoy making everything our own. My husband is amazing with his woodworking and I do the drywall and painting!
4) I make hairbows. My daughter has so many bows we never know where to put them all. When the new season is upon us, I bring out all of her clothes and make 3 matching bows for each outfit (1 large bow and 2 smaller ones for pigtails). Have to have options you know! LOL
5) I totally enjoy laundry! I love to smell the clean clothing. I love to iron. I am a sick woman!
For my nominations I am choosing in no particular order...
1) Ginger who announced her wonderful new job today!
2) Angela who has been having some issues with her band. Hopefully all will work out ok.
3) Kristen who's wonderful and has been taking care of her fiance who was banded recently
On to my other news, we finally found out what took my brother today. I feel peace now that I know for sure what it was. The autopsy revealed that he died from congestive heart failure. This is definitely not something that should take a 30 year old man. It was determined that this was not something that he had been fighting for any time and that it just happened very very quickly. They also believe that his weight was a contributing factor. I am so glad that I have my band and have made a positive step toward independence from my weight!
congrats on the award!
Also, I am happy for you, in a weird way, that you are able to have some closure from your brother's death. I know it doesn't take the pain away, but it is a step.
Thank you for the award heather! It has definitely been a tough nine days so this means a lot!
I'm glad to hear that you have answers. Hopefully knowing the cause will give you a sense of peace & healing can begin. Keeping you in my thoughts.
I am so glad that you can find some peace in that answer. You can get up an hour and a half before anyone else?? Wow!
Yay for the award! They brighten my day! Listen lady if you want to come over and do my laundry I will be happy to cook you a meal! ANYTIME!
I am glad to hear that you have the results about your brother. You have been on my mind and I am very proud that you have taken something positive away with you and continue to improve your health! You are an inspiration. Seriously...
I hope that you can now get some closure with knowing about your brother!
I am sure knowing about your brother has lifted a burden off your heart... Know that you are all in my prayers..
And you totally deserve the award - you truly ARE a Sweet One!
PS - I've got about six loads here, if you're in the mood for some kicks!
I've nominated you for another award on my blog xox
I hope that knowing how your brother died can give you some closure. Congratulations on the award!
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