I was thinking yesterday as I was posting to Facebook about my husband and my anniversary that I can't believe that I spent so many years big. I posted a picture from our wedding with it. I couldn't help but think how much fun it would have been to search for a dress at this smaller size. Oh well, I won't be doing that again as this was our 4th anniversary after getting remarried after being divorced for 3 years and married for 10 before that. OK that was a mouthful, but if you follow me... I am married to my ex-husband LOL. That "break" as we call it was the best thing ever for us. We never were totally happy in the first 10 years. We can say now that we are totally happy in every way. This is what it was supposed to be. I met my husband when I was 17 years old. We got married the first time when I was 19.
I had a good cry going through the photos to find one to post on Facebook with my status. I really miss my brother. Tell me, does it get any better? The other day I broke down to a full on crying jag in the middle of meeting with a client at WORK! These people must think I am nuts! Let alone this was my first meeting with these clients.
Back to the wedding photo. I am so glad that I don't look like that anymore. Our anniversary yesterday was supposed to consist of working on the kitchen cabinets and such. Unfortunately, we got a call at 7am that one of our boys was sick at Scout Camp and we needed to come and get him. Camp was 3 hours away. We spent our whole day in the car. Oh well, we worked on the cabinets when we got home and I have to say the part that we have finished didn't have cabinets before and I LOVE it. I have room for everything! I will post photos when we get this all finished. I can't wait. I hope that the cabinet maker finishes the few cabinets that we are short before we can work on the island and the other wall soon!
Everyone have a wonderful Sunday. I am going to get off of here and work on some laundry!
Hey Heather, I totally relate to wishing I'd looked better for life events such as weddings and birthing babies...with that said, you look gorgeous in this wedding photo!
Happy anniversary! :)
Beautiful then and beautiful now...just thinner. LOL. Happy Anniversary! Hope your son feels better soon. Can't wait to see the pics!
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