Our anniversary is tomorrow and we are going to be really romantic and hang kitchen cabinets. I have been waiting for a new kitchen since we bought this house 6 years ago, and the day has come. It has been a lot of work leading up to this as I got the ingenious idea that getting the cabinets you stain would be a good move. My thought process is that we have hardwood floors throughout the upstairs except the kitchen which is tile. We refinished them 3 summers ago so I know what stain I used so I could get red oak cabinets and stain them the same as the hardwoods and it would pull the whole house together. BIG JOB! I am almost finished with 1/2 of the cabinets. I haven't brought home the rest as they wouldn't fit in my garage. I am exhausted. My poor 15 year old made the mistake and informed me that they learned how to stain in shop class this year. That wasn't the smartest move on his part this week. He has helped though.
On the weightloss front, after a stall for what seemed like forever, I have lost 3 lbs this week! I am not sure what is going on as I haven't changed anything! I am not going to complain though as I really want to get to goal. Only 7lbs to go! I am truly believing that hormones control a lot of this and my body just said it was time to let go again.
I need to be getting everyone up and ready for school. Have a wonderful Friday everyone and here's to hoping that yours is sunny!
Good to hear from you Heather! Sorry about the tiff with the husband..I am ready for a new ohone myself. I wonder if I can some how get mine to make it into some paint thinner!
So when you are finished, come on over to NC and do mine! We are sitting on a brand new stove that needs to be installed..I have new hardward ready to go in and new countertops! But no time at all! Plus we are doing it all ourselves! Boo
Wow, that sounds like a project! Isn't it amazing how things like staining and painting can make your body so sore, too? Or maybe that's just me.
Congrats on the loss! The surprise ones are the best ones ;)
Good to hear from you! I took my blog private for a while so if you'd like me to 'invite' you, just sent me an email jdt36x@yahoo.com
You are sooo close! 7 pounds away!!!
Great job on the weight loss! Happy Anniversary!! Have fun with that new kitchen.
Congrats on the kitchen, someday I will have the kitchen I want...I hope :)Great job on the weight loss too!
Only 7 lbs to goal!!! That's great! I got the bright idea few years back to pain my cabinets. I had no idea how long that was going to take. I don't envy you.
Wow! I think I'd have a dead husband over that one! 7 pounds til goal, I'm 7 pounds to onderland and I've been sitting here for at least 3 weeks, it's the slowes 7 pounds of my life, hope yours goes quickly! You've done beautifully!
Wow! You are so close to goal... congratulations! Good luck with the kitchen... hope the installation goes well! Post pics when it's done!
It feels so funny to read that you are at your 18th year mark and that I am not even started and yet we are the same age! Better get a wriggle on!
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