Original Goal... I did it!

I hit goal once... I CAN do it again!

Friday, June 4, 2010


1. If you could live anywhere in the world - where would it be and why?

I have lived in Australia & Indonesia.  I have lived in Hawaii.  I have to say I like the good ol midwest the best!  Nothing against the Australians on here, but I really didn't like Australia.

2. How old were you when you got drunk for the 1st time?

I was 15.  We were living in a "company town" on the island of New Guinea on the Indonesian side.  The teenagers had nothing else to do.  Unfortunately, my "friends" left me on my parents couch.  I don't remember walking home!

3. What was your favorite toy growing up?

I had a little arcade frogger game.  It looked like a real arcade game only smaller.

4. What's your favorite season and why?

I love fall.  Something about the crisp air and the smell of the leaves

5. Repeat question....which blog or comment spoke to you or stuck with you the most this week?

 I really love all the blogs I follow, I can't pick one this week

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