Original Goal... I did it!

I hit goal once... I CAN do it again!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Surgery Day!

I leave in about an hour to go to the hospital.  I am excited and NERVOUS.  My mom made it in safely last night.  The kids will enjoy her being here and they will let me heal.  I didn't sleep really well last night.  Oh well, that is to be expected. 

Next time I post, I will have crossed over!


Lap Band Groupie said...

Heather, I'm SO excited for you! I hope this note finds you back home and resting...walk, walk, walk and sip, sip, sip! CONGRATULATIONS Bander! -BG

Steph said...

Best of luck to you! When you are up and about and feeling better, please be sure to let us know how things went for you. remember to take it easy and don't be afraid to take the pain meds!! :) Good Luck!

Pamela E. Williams said...

Heather you made it!! When you read these comments I hope that it brings a smile to your face. We are root, root, rooting for ya.

-Grace- said...

Sending you happy, healing vibes!! You will do great :)

Jenny said...

Can't wait to hear from you when you're banded!! You will be fine!!

Anonymous said...

I know you are nervous, but things will be great! Welcome to bandland!!

Christine said...

Good luck! I'm thinking of you!

MandaPanda said...

Good luck! Sending good thoughts your way today.

I can do this.....finally said...

Yay! You are probably done by now so, congratulations! Sending warm fuzzies your way!

Bonnie said...

So psyched for you. Good luck.

Gwen said...

Congratulations! Hope everything went well and you are healing beautifully!

Take it easy!

DB said...

Best wishes coming your way!!!

Sumer said...

Good Luck!!

Darlin1 said...

We've been waiting for you! Just rest and take good care of yourself-

workinprogress said...

Good luck :-)

Perry Joyce said...

Congratulations!!! Can't wait to see you on the other side. And don't forget: walk walk walk walk walk! Up the stairs, down the stairs, around the block!

Cindylew said...

Good luck girlfriend.

Jacquie said...

Hope all went well Heather! Let us know when you are feeling up to it.

Butterfly/Amy said...

I'm sorry I didn't wish you luck earlier. I'll be looking for your post when you're feeling up to it. Hope everything went smoothly.

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